Billeting means overnight accommodations, i.e. lodging. 

Each operation has a different billeting set-up. Sometimes its cots in a warehouse, church, or gym. 

Sometimes its in tents and on the ground. 

How will I know what to expect?

We will do our best to share info regarding billeting prior to you deploying. 

In your dispatch instructions, the on-site Point of Contact (POC) will be able to give you the ground truth for conditions. 

Should I pack a sleeping bag?

Prepare for austere! Be pleasantly surprised if it's not.

Our advice: plan on bringing one, check the weather, call your on-site POC to confirm conditions, then make a game day decision if you are going to bring the sleeping bag or just your lucky woobie.

What if I may need accommodations to the standard Team Rubicon-provided billeting for operations, events, or trainings?

Check out this article. We have a policy and process in place to support that.


Depending on the type of operation you are attending, things might change without notice - ESPECIALLY when deploying to post-disaster events. You might get told you are in comfy FEMA trailers with everything provided (sweet!!) but mid-stay FEMA might need to re-purpose your trailer to house those impacted by the disaster. 

If you packed that sleeping bag/woobie, you will be ready to rack on the newly provided Red Cross cot (yay!).

Semper Gumby! (Always Flexible!)


A typical billeting arrangement (a church gym)