Disaster TRaining Camps are hosted by National's Mobile Training Team (MTT) at locations within each branch of Team Rubicon. 

They are generally 7-10 day events that are designed to train up our Greyshirts in all areas we can! This could be in a new area or gain experience in (or break the rust off of) an old one.

Sign up for the days that you want to be there (or a class "requires" you) or stay for the whole thing! 

Commonly offered experiences (not guaranteed, nor limited to):

  • Sawyer (classes, proficiency, task book sign-offs)
  • HEO (classes, proficiency, task book sign-offs)
  • C&G roles (learn by doing in a less-pressure environment!)
  • Classroom TRaining:
    • Recon/Advon
    • Instructor 1

Check your emails, social media, and the Event Calendar for upcoming classes!

Not sure how? Check out: