Profile Section

Learn about what's in your Profile Section of Roll Call and how/where to update it!

How do I add/update my skills or experience in Roll Call?
If you speak other languages, have finance or marketing skills, are a licensed backhoe driver, amongst other things, and would like us to know, please add t...
Wed, May 3, 2023 18:43
How do I add/update a language that I speak in Roll Call?
If you speak other languages and would like us to know, please add those languages in the Profile section of your Roll Call account. 1. Click the text...
Thu, May 4, 2023 10:40
How do I deactivate or close my Team Rubicon Roll Call account?
We know circumstances change and we respect your decision to step away.  If you just need to "change your socks" and take a break, long or short...
Thu, May 11, 2023 15:33
How do I reactivate my TR Roll Call account?
We're stoked that you've decided to step back into the arena!  To get the process started, please fill out a Help Desk ticket and someone will...
Mon, May 1, 2023 12:05